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[UN일반] 북한 비핵화 관련 안보리 공개 브리핑(12.11) 발언문 (조현 대사)


Statement by H.E. Ambassador Cho Hyun, Permanent Representative

UNSC Open Briefing on Nonproliferation/DPRK

New York, 11 December 2019                                                                                         


Madam President,

Thank you very much for convening this meeting and giving me the opportunity to speak to the Council under the Nonproliferation issues pertaining to the DPRK. I also thank ASG Khiari for a comprehensive briefing. The Republic of Korea has consistently pursued the Korean Peninsula Peace Process to achieve complete denuclearization and a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. This Process is at a critical juncture. Today’s meeting would be helpful in taking stock of the progress made so far and consolidating our efforts toward the shared goal.

Madam President,

Over the past two years, an unprecedented diplomatic endeavor, involving strong commitment and determination from the highest political level, brought about a historic shift on the Korean Peninsula. It started with the DPRK’s participation in the 2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, which, then led to three Inter-Korean Summits, two US-DPRK Summits and a trilateral meeting in Panmunjeom, where the top leaders of the two Koreas and the United States agreed to work together to establish a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula and achieve complete denuclearization.

Since then, there have been a series of talks and negotiations to fulfill the commitments based on the Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the Pyongyang Joint Declaration of September 2018, as well as the broad agreement reached between the leaders of the United States and the DPRK in Singapore. Negotiations had its ups and downs, but as rightly pointed out, a legacy of 70 years of war and hostility on the Korean Peninsula cannot be overcome in a single day. We will need to pursue this delicate path of dialogue with perseverance and focus and every effort should be made to keep the momentum of this Process going.

We are now, however, faced with the recent turn of events, which, if left unchecked, will have a negative effect on this historic process. My government shares the concern of the international community towards the DPRK’s repeated testing of missiles. We strongly urge the DPRK to fulfill its obligations under the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, and remain meaningfully engaged in dialogue with the United States and the Republic of Korea so that progress in negotiation can lead to concrete results.

The international community, for its part, must continue to work together to maintain the momentum for dialogue. While fully implementing relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, the international community should also provide a meaningful support including humanitarian aid for the DPRK to make the right decision.

Madam President,

The government of the Republic of Korea firmly believes that dialogue and cooperation is the only possible way forward, regardless of the hurdles we face.  For now, maintaining the hard-won momentum for dialogue should be our utmost priority. We will continue to work with the DPRK under the principles that we will not allow a war on the Korean Peninsula and will guarantee mutual security and seek co-prosperity, as spelled out in President Moon Jae-in’s speech at the UN General Assembly this year.

The leaders of the two Koreas met in Pyongyang last year and agreed to turn the Korean Peninsula into a land of peace free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threats. To fulfill that commitment, dialogue between the two Koreas must be resumed; genuine peace for all Koreans living on the Korean Peninsula cannot be achieved without improved inter-Korean relations.

Our commitment to improving inter-Korean relations through exchanges and cooperation projects remains unchanged.  In his General Assembly speech, President Moon also proposed to transform the demilitarized zone (DMZ) into an international peace zone, to serve as physical guarantee of security between South and North Korea, and also to provide a stable environment for concerted, continued DPRK-US denuclearization talks. 

“Peace on the Korean Peninsula is inextricably linked to peace around the world. We must seize this opportunity to break out of the trap of the security dilemma and the lingering fear of war, and make peace lasting on the Korean Peninsula. This will not be achieved by the projection of animosity and mistrust, which will only lead to a descending spiral of enmity and instability. It will be achieved with restraint, courage, and faith in the future of a wholly peaceful, nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and the great boost it will give to regional and global peace and prosperity. My government is determined to stay this course. We count on the unwavering support of the UN Security Council and the international community in this endeavor.

Thank you.  /End/

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